In serial memory processing, Primacy effect and Recency effect effects for accuracy of recall are commonly found. Characteristics of processing Primacy and recency effects Participants may process some serial memory sets using the self-terminating method and in other cases use the exhaustive method, there is no clear distinction between which method is better to use.

In this case, the reaction time slope is equal for both positive and negative trials, as comparisons are made to the end in both cases. Evidence for this method is also found in reaction time studies. On the other hand, exhaustive implies that comparisons continue until the entire set is compared and then a response is generated. This is because, on average, participants (on positive trials) will stop comparisons about halfway through when they find the target match but participants (on negative trials) will need to compare until the end when no target match is found.
#Advantages and disadvantages of serial processing operating system trial
If the reaction time slope for a positive trial (where the target was present in the memory set) is about half of the slope for a negative trial (where the target was not present in the memory set) this demonstrates self-terminating processing. Evidence for this method is found in reaction time studies. Self-terminating implies that comparisons stop abruptly as soon as the target is found, and then the response is generated. Serial memory processing can be either self-terminating or exhaustive. Hypothetical slopes for positive and negative trials